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Webb是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/webb.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Webb是什么意思 Webb在线翻译 Webb什么意思 Webb的意思 Webb的翻译 Webb的解释 Webb的发音 Webb的同义词 Webb的反义词 Webb的例句 Webb的相关词组 Webb[web] Webb 基本解释



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1. 韦勃 英国 编织者:Wayne 韦恩 英国 建造马车的人,四轮马车. | Webb 韦勃 英国 编织者. | Webster 韦伯斯特 英国 编织者.

2. 英国 编织者:Wayne 英国 建造马车的人,四轮马车. | Webb 英国 编织者 | Webster 英国 编织者

3. 韋勃 編織者:Wayne 韋恩 - 建造馬車的人 四輪馬車 | Webb 韋勃 - 編織者 | Webster 韋伯斯特 - 編織者

Webb 双语例句

1. The new improved audit committee met three times in 2003. At FIFA`s congress in Paris the following year Fernandes, Salim, Webb, Bouzo, Sprengers, Scarsella, Carraro and their committee secretary Urs Linsi reported that everything was absolutely tickety-boo.

2. They were picked up in discussion, with Robbins and Friedrich von Hayek, with Roy Allen and Nicholas Kaldor, with Abba Lerner and with Richard Sayers - and with Ursula Webb, who, in 1935, became my wife.

3. Webb的解释

3. T Q2 l Neither incident was seen by the referee Howard Webb, but both should be spotted by the Football Association\'s football regulation unit as it studies tapes of the fracas.

4. However, according to Mr Webb, the new rules could still be circumvented.

5. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zoey Deschanel share electrifying chemistry, and Webb elevates this love story to new heights with his unique storytelling and artistic sensibility.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt和Zoey Deschanel本身就非常来电,经过Webb的独特的叙事手法和艺术化的触感将整个爱情故事带到了前所未有的高度。

6. Webb and I had been friends and golfing partners for years, and I thought I knew him well.

7. Webb

7. It is a surprising and new idea, Webb says.

8. Neil Webb got injured and I got my chance to play for England.

9. Left alone, Mr. Webb and George awkwardly discuss weddings and the idea of what makes a happy marriage.

10. Both the White House and the State Department say Webb is not carrying any specific message from U. S.

11. Schmidt, and Webb Phillips, might also offer a useful insight into an important part of learning a second language.
Schmidt 和Webb Phillips的另一项发现可能提供一种对学习第二语言的重要部分的深刻理解。

12. Schmidt and Webb Phillips, might also offer a useful insight into an important part of learning a second language.
Schmidt和Webb Phillips的另一项发现可能也能提供学习第二语言关键部分的有用视角。

13. \\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u67E5\\u8BE2\\u00B7\\u82F1\\u8BED\\u5355\\u8BCD

13. Moore ousted a pair of opponents, both 7-2, to face WPBA Pro Monica Webb in the morning.


14. The Olmos Formation in the Gold River North field is characterized by a shelf-edge deltaic system, from which five types of depositional systems are identified:(1) fluvial plain, which is characterized by fluvial channels, crevasse splays, and swales; (2) deltaic plain, which consists of distributary channels, levees, and crevasse splays; (3) deltaic-front mouth bars and sheet sands; (4) prodelta, which is composed of silty sediments; and (5) incised valleys, which were formed during subsequent lowstand erosion on exposed deltaic sediments.
美国南得克萨斯地区Webb县Gold River North油田上白垩统Olmos组钻井资料较少,采用地震沉积学方法对其分析,可以识别出一套完整的三角洲体系,其中包括前三角洲亚相、三角洲前缘亚相、三角洲平原亚相、曲流河相和下切谷沉积等,其中河道砂、河口砂坝和下切谷沉积物是有利的储层。

15. In the eighth frame, Webb left the 2-4-5-8 which he converted, but that spare leave rattled the 20-time Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour titlist.

16. Instead, Webb was caught up in the independent counsel`s net.

17. As well as Besant, the book included articles by George Bernard Shaw, Sydney Webb, Sydney Olivier, Graham Wallas, William Clarke and Hubert Bland.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. I think we could get to webb.

19. Webb的意思

19. Mrs. Webb: Yes, I understand.

20. Webb的意思

20. Carter Webb: No that\'s not it, I\'m a great listener.

Webb 单语例句danci.911cha.com

1. Webb says he filed the Los Angeles Superior Court civil lawsuit on Wednesday on behalf of an entertainment executive identified only as Jane Doe.

2. Webb believed the cost to a company like Nike following Rooney\'s injury could run into millions of pounds.

3. Webb was subjected to more Dutch derision when he went to collect his cup final medal.

4. Webb said current foreign exchange risks are greater as businesses contend with a highly volatile exchange market.

5. \" Spending a billion dollars and dropping bombs on people sounds like hostilities to me, \" Webb said in an interview.

6. It was designed by renowned British architects Aston Webb and Edward Ingress Bell in 1899.

7. Charles Webb Gilbert won the design competition of the original memorial in 1923, along with a prize of 250 guineas but died before it was completed.

8. \" It was the first major assemblage of US combat power in Vietnam, \" explained Army historian Joe Webb.

9. It was the first time Webb had produced a red card at this World Cup in his fourth match.

10. New Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish labelled Webb\'s penalty decision a \" joke \" and disputed the red card shown to Gerrard.

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本文链接: http://webb.immuno-online.com/view-709033.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)